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[Notice] Call for Applications for 2020 Admission

  • Writer ACH
  • Date Aug 26, 2019

International Film Business Academy, Busan Asian Film School

Call for Applications for 2020 Admission



Busan Asian Film School (AFiS) is recruiting fellows for the 2020 International Film Business Academy.

The International Film Business Academy, an educational program specializing in film producing, has been an annual regular course at Busan Asian Film School since it welcomed its very first fellows in 2017.

Approximately 20 filmmakers with experience shooting films in Asia will be recruited for the program, which fosters producers via a curriculum that includes development of a feature-length project plus courses on investment, film policy, marketing and distribution, etc. Over the last two years. the International Film Business Academy has graduated 41 alumni from 21 countries, while an additional 19 fellows from 17 countries are currently enrolled in this year’s program.

AFiS projects, developed through the regular course, are attracting attention from numerous distinguished film festivals, with invitations to the Cannes Film Festival's AtelierCinéfondation and Locarno Film Festival's Open Doors, and have also won the Bucheon Award at the NAFF project market of Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival. Busan Asian Film School is also receiving attention as a new international co-production platform, after a short film co-produced by two international fellows in the 2019 class was invited to the Orizzonti Competition at Venice Film Festival.


Anyone interested and passionate in film making is sincerely welcome to apply.





1. Course Description and Number of Admitted Applicants

Course: Producing

Course length: 6 months, 24 weeks in total from March to October with 2 month summer break

Admitted applicants: 20 (including 2 Busan residents under the Busan quota)

* Detailed course schedule including starting dates will be announced later.

* The number of admitted applicants is subject to change depending on the pool of applicants.


2. Application & Selection Schedule


Time Period


Open Call for Submissions

August 19 – October 24, 2019


Application Period

September 23 – October 24, 2019


First Screening (s, portfolio, proposal for a feature-length narrative film)

November 1 – 9, 2019


Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates

November 22, 2019

Website, Direct Contact

Second Screening (interviews)

December 9 – 13, 2019

Conducted Online

Final Announcement of Admission Decisions

December 18, 2019


Direct Contact

*This schedule may be subject to change.


3. Qualifications

A. Must have U.N.-defined “Asian” nationality or Taiwanese Nationality

- Please refer to the list of nations eligible to apply for the International Film Business Academy 2020.

B. There are no restrictions based on academic qualifications or age. Korean men must show proof of completion or exemption of mandatory military service.

C. Must be competent in English (all coursework will be conducted in English)


4. Benefits Provided to Admitted 2020 Fellows

A. Tuition fees will be covered by a full scholarship

B. Round-trip airfare provided to non-Korean fellows (details to be given later)

C. Dormitory room will be provided during spring and fall semesters




1. Application Information


A. Application Period

- Applications will be received from 9 AM on September 23, 2019 to 6 PM on October 24, 2019 (Korean time).


B. Details for Submission

- After filling out the online application on the Busan Asian Film School website, scanned copies of the below-mentioned s (PDF, JPG, etc.) must be sent by email as a compressed zip file. Both the online application and the email package must be submitted by October 24, 2019 (Korean time).


C. Items to Be Submitted

1) Online application

- Busan Asian Film School website:

International Film Business Academy -> Processing the Application



Application Form

* All forms must be completed in English.

1. Application form

2. Personal statement (500 words or less)

3. Statement of purpose (500 words or less)

4. Summary of work experience (500 words or less)

* Please focus on experience related to film production or the film business.

5. Portfolio introduction (500 words or less)

* Portfolio: Up to 2 works that can show the applicant’s potential as a film producer. Short or feature films, videos, novels, photographs, academic theses, etc are all acceptable.

* If submitting a video file, please submit works which contain the applicant’s name in the end credits, whether it be in film, TV, web content or exhibited work. For video portfolios, provide online links to Youtube, Vimeo, etc. (if applicable)

6. Self-introduction video (2 minutes or less)

* Provide online links to Youtube, Vimeo, etc.

7. Project proposal for a feature-length narrative film

- Logline (50 words or less)

- Development idea (background, concept, intent, etc.) (300 words or less)

- Synopsis (400 words or less)

- Financing plan (250 words or less)

* Online application forms will only be accessible during the application period

(September 23 - October 24, 2019).


2) Email package

- Email address: contact@afis.ac

- Compress all s into a zip file and name it ‘Name_Nationality’

ex) Kimafis_Korea.zip

Required s

* If s are written in languages other than English or Korean, they must be translated to English or Korean before submission.

s to be submitted

Additional s

for Korean Applicants

11. Photocopy of the applicant’s passport

2. Applicant’s completed academic degree, certificate of expected graduation in 2020, or proof of enrollment

3. Applicant’s curriculum vitae (in any format)

4. Recommendation letter (form attached) from a person directly related to or working in the film industry (this may include members of AFCNet)

5. Portfolio (2 works or less)

* Those who did not supply video links (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.) in the online application may submit portfolio works here.

1. Abstract of Resident Registration

(* 주민등록초본)

* Korean males must submit a copy confirming the completion or exemption of military service.

* Any changes of residency must be indicated

* Copies must be dated within 3 months of application period.

* Applicants who are shortlisted after the first round of screening must submit paper copies of the following s: completed academic degree, certificates of career, personal medical assessment (form provided), and a certificate of health issued by a doctor. s should be received by post before the interviews in the second round of screening in December. s written in languages other than English or Korean must be translated into English or Korean and notarized upon submission. Detailed instructions will be provided to shortlisted applicants after the first round of screening.


D. Where to Submit

1) Online application: Busan Asian Film School website

International Film Business Academy -> Processing the Application


2) Email: contact@afis.ac (Tel. +82-51-750-3204)





1. Outline

A. Applicants who receive the highest scores based on the overall application will be selected.

B. Scores received during the first round of screening will not affect the scores of the second round.

C. Busan Asian Film School will not select applicants whose total score fails to meet internal standards, regardless of entrance quotas.


2. Distribution of Points

First Screening

Application evaluation

50 points

Portfolio evaluation

30 points

Evaluation for the project proposal

20 points

Second Screening


100 points




1. Start of program

March 2020 (details will be announced at a later date)


2. Enrollment

A. Enrollment period: January 2 – 16, 2020

B. Tuition: All admitted applicants will have tuition fees exempted (details will be announced at a later date)

C. Announcements: The announcement of shortlisted candidates and final admission decisions will be made available on www.afis.ac, and by direct contact.

* Selected applicants who do not enroll within the time frame will be seen as forfeiting their admissions.



Please forward any queries regarding curriculum, admissions, housing, etc. to contact@afis.ac


1. Application Guide for 2020 Admission

2. List of nations eligible to apply for the International Film Business Academy 2020

3. Form for Recommendation Letter (required)