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ASEAN Language Courses in Spring 2022
From March 21 to June 18, the ASEAN Culture House offers its latest round of ASEAN Language Courses. Conducted in a partnership with the Critical Foreign Languages Education Promotion at Busan University of Foreign Studies, the program includes five ASEAN language classes(Khmer, Burmese, Indonesian Malay, Thai, and Vietnamese). Anyone over the age of 12 interested in ASEAN languages can register.This semester, both offline and online courses will be held simultaneously. The offline courses consist of 13 classes in basic, beginner, and intermediate levels, and the online courses consist of 5 basic classes. They will be provided once a week over the course of 12 weeks.The basic and intermediate levels for Khmer and Burmese are taught by native speakers, who will effectively help students study their respective cultures and languages.An official from the ASEAN Culture House said, “Our ASEAN language program has proved particularly popular ever since its inception in 2018. Many prospective students contact us and inquire about the courses before they open. We plan to improve the courses’accessibility by offering offline lectures on weekday afternoons and online classes on Saturday mornings. We invite you to experience the wide range of ASEAN languages.”A certificate of completion and a small souvenir will be given to students who attend 80% or more of their courses. Lectures will be conducted in accordance with the government’s disease control guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For course registration and detailed class information, please visit the ASEAN Culture House website(www.ach.or.kr).
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