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“Playful ASEAN – ASEAN Seen Through Traditional Leisure Activities” (hereinafter “Playful ASEAN”), the fifth special exhibition of the ASEAN Culture House (ACH), illuminates the different lives and cultures of each of the 10 member countries through their traditional games. The exhibition will feature traditional ASEAN toys, traditional game archives, unique screenings of short films from ASEAN-native film directors in line with the theme of traditional games, and interactive art exhibits of modern artists. There will also be the opportunity to experience traditional ASEAN games firsthand through an interactive display. While bearing a certain resemblance to traditional Korean games, exhibition-goers will be able to familiarize themselves with toys that reflect the environmental, cultural and historical characteristics unique to Southeast Asia.
·Date: 2018.9.14.–12.2.
·Venue: Special Exhibition Gallery (1F)
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