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This past month, the ASEAN Culture House, located in Haeundae, Busan, celebrated the one-year anniversary of its founding on September 1, 2017. On the afternoon of September 14, the celebration was held in connection with the fifth ASEAN special exhibition “Playful ASEAN.” Among the attendees of the event were the 2nd Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hyun Cho, the Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan, Jae-soo Yoo, high-level diplomats including ambassadors from 10 ASEAN embassies based in Korea, and the Korea Foundation President, Si-hyung Lee, together with as many as 150 figures from various sectors. On the same day, “Playful ASEAN” also featured a nori event, bak teotteurigi, amid the collective wishes for the prosperous development of the ASEAN Culture House.
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