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Vacation Program for youths: Discover Viet Nam


Vacation Program for youths: Discover Viet Nam

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This summer, just like last year, the ACH will be hosting the Vacation Program for school-agedchildren. To celebrate 2021, officially designated as “Mekong-ROK Exchange Year,” this year’s Vacation Program for Youths is titled “Discover Viet Nam” and will offer a multi-sensory experience. The program will consist of four classes that will be both informative and offer fun cultural experiences, including a general introduction of ASEAN and Viet Nam; an introduction to the Viet Namese alphabet and everyday phrases; experiences of Viet Namese marketplaces and food as well as traditional clothing and etiquette; and an introduction of must-see travel destinations and festivals. For further information on the program and how to apply, please visit the ACH’s website at www.ach.or.kr.
Over the years, the ACH has consistently offered a wide range of cultural and educational programs and events that promote ASEAN cultures. Enjoy ‘Cool ASEAN in Summer!,’ which was held in July 2018, included readings of ASEAN fairytales and film screenings for children of all ages. Moving forward, the ACH will continue to host, in addition to the Vacation Program for Youths, diverse cultural events and lectures on ASEAN culture that are both fun and instructive.

  • PeriodJuly 27 to August 5
  • Target audience Elementary-aged children (grades 3-6)
  • VenueSeminar Room 201 (2F)
  • Inquiries051-775-2036